Our Products

WPT distributes systems and equipment related to all Low Voltage & Medium Voltage electrical engineering and automatic control systems such as..

wpt products - MV & LV Soft starter
MV & LV Soft Starter

Medium Voltage(MV) &
Low Voltage (LV)
Soft Starter

WPT product - LV & MV SWGs

Low Voltage(LV) & Medium Voltage(MV) Switchgears

wpt products - Shipboard & Offshore Cable

Shipboard & Offshore Cable

Products Distribution

ABB logo
Products & Systems
LV & MV SWGs manufacturer from Malaysia with Siemens license
Sivacon logo
Low voltage switchgear : LV SWGs
Medium Voltage Switchgear : MV SWGs
Automation Services logo
The Siemens Automation and Solution Partner from Australia.
BKS logo
LV & MV Cast Resin Bust Way IP68 manufacturer from Switzerland.
Entraco logo
MV Air Insulation Bus Way & LV Sandwich type Bus Way from India.
minilec logo
Motor Monitoring & Protection Relay and Control Device from India
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